Friday, November 22, 2013

22 (Read the rest for yourself. What do I look like, Sparknotes?)

    Right now I have an infatuation with lists. I have a sort of deja vu feeling that I read about a writer (one who actually publishes books) with the same infatuation.  Regardless, I am still holding on to this burning love for the listed.  At this very moment, I am in the most pleasant McDonald's I have ever set foot in, and I have been to a lot of McDonald's. This place is a work of art. It is brightly colored, and decorated for Christmas, not to mention the newly retro corporation art all over the walls. Someone, and I don't know who, should give them an encore or a standing ovation. There's just something fantastic about doing something with such excellence, whether it is a Van Gogh painting or a Big Mac.  Anyway, enough of my soapbox on excellence. Of course it's time for the lists, that's why we're all here right?
                                                                   First 3 Months of College Musings
                                      1. Going off on your own teaches you way more than you knew was out there.
                                      2. God's pretty funny about the people He places in your life, sometimes you didn't know you even needed somebody like that until they're there.

                                     3. Previously seeing another incoming freshman on Facebook and being like, "oh, we're not going to be friends", can turn into the ironic event of them becoming one of your best friends at school.

                                     4. The two weeks of freshman year were some of the most terrifying and embarrassing weeks of my life. I had not a clue of what I was dong. Now I know how to fake it.

                                     5. It's a good idea to actually go to those classes. It keeps you on your professor's good side. You really don't want any hatred aimed at you while your final exam is being graded.

                                     6. The education department at my school is amazing.

                                     7. There are a lot of couples at my school. My single friends and I maintain a loving hate filled relationship of them.
                                      8. John Stumbo is an awesome chapel speaker.

                                      9. Writing your own path is way better than following what you think everyone else is doing or what everyone else expects of you.

                                      10. The silent library section is the best place to study on campus. It is silent.

                                      11. Dressing up as a life-sized M&M and standing on a street corner in the Bronx, will remain etched on my memory for years to come.

                                       12. It's okay to make mistakes at college. (Someone told me that and I wanted to put that here.)

                                       13. Been learning a lot about what it means to love Christ holistically, as a full human being. You know that part where it talks about loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul?  Well, that means all three of those things: your emotions, your thoughts and intellect, and the very essence of who you are. We miss that a lot in Sunday School.

                                     14. Just doing the work at college for the sake of getting it done is fine, and we all do that to some point, but what about actually engaging ourselves in what we're learning? Wouldn't challenging and stretching your mind be right up there with loving God with your mind?

                                     15. I really, really, really, really, really, really enjoy learning. "sigh" alas that it strange. I need to rethink my life, or not. Savvvvy?

                                    16. Air, water, roommate.

                                    17. Dr. Who is......very....popular here. I've never watched a full episode.

                                    18. You get more confident wandering around here. One more thing God does when you let Him.

                                    19. It's okay to pay a fine in quarters. "cough cough" Hey! It's what I had folks.

                                    20. My honors cohort is more like a bunch of kids from the Breakfast Club, and that fact is nothing but awesome. Once again, God knew what He was doing with that, as He does with everything.

                                   21. Blue like Jazz

                                   22. It feels like a perfect night, to dress up like hipsters, something something, feeling 22! blah blah blah

                                   Here are the musings, folks. If you don't like them, well, I'm not getting paid for this so good luck firing me.